Saturday, July 25, 2009

30 Months!!

A couple weeks back (7/7) I made a trip back to New York for a check-up at MSKCC, and to celebrate my little brothers bachelor party.  My mom and dad made the trip to NYC with me, which was nice, since my appointment was at 7:30AM (and we have to drive 3 hours + traffic from Albany). Anywhoo, I had my regular CT scan (with iodine contrast), and then had some time off for breakkie.  It's become quite the routine to hit the bagel shop near the hospital because they have this amazing tofu cream cheese.  I make no claim for the health benefits of the stuff, but it tastes pretty darn good twice a year!  Also, the bagels in NY seem to taste a bit better than most you can find in California...maybe I just don't know where to look.

After breakfast I saw Dr. Moskowitz, and his NP, Jill.  They said my CT scan looked amazing, and my blood-work looked equally as good.  I was super happy to hear it! We went over a strategy to get my immunizations up to date, and I got a couple of boosters to kick off the process (tetanus, polio, flu, and one other).  This is another example of the completeness of care at MSKCC.  They're basically writing the book on post stem-cell transplant immunizations.  As they learn new things, the patients (me) get immediate benefits.  

Since I've reached the 30 month post transplant milestone,  I get to move to 9 month check-ups.  So no trips back to MSK until next April, woop!!  Back in Albany we had some celebratory dinner (thai curry :), and this weekend Garuna and I put an exclamation point on it by running the San Francisco Marathon.  I'll check in soon with a race report.

'Till Next Time...

1 comment:

Ulyana said...

These is really fantastic news! I'm VERY happy for you! Congrats!!!!!