Saturday, September 13, 2008


It's been an interesting transition from Berkeley, to Lake Tahoe, and now to Marin County over the past few months. A new job means a new commute...something I'm not too excited about. However, now that Ironman training is over, and I've had a month and a half to recover, I scouted out a bike-able route to work.

The Pros:
1. I avoid sitting in traffic on the 101, I sit in this jam every day.

2. Gas savings. 20 miles round-trip = 1 gallon of gas in my truck according to Fuelly. That's $4 going on $5 a day!

3. Lots of fresh air.

4. Bike lanes. They're everywhere in Marin, and make the commute so much easier, versus fighting for lane space on the shoulder with motorists talking on the cell phones, or struggling to put on their makeup.

5. I cut off about 2 miles by scooting over into the next canyon on a bike path.

The Cons (the usual suspects here):
1. Mild time loss. Biking means about a 45 minute commute, versus 25-30 minutes in the car.

2. No shower at work. So I ride a bit slower to deter sweating, and bring along some baby wipes for a quick wipe-down before heading into the cubicle.


I'll definitely continue to bike commute to work a couple of times a week. It's a great alternative to the daily rat race, an parking is waaay easier.

1 comment:

Ryan D said...

6. Reduced Carbon Footprint!