Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Recovery Continues...

3.5 weeks post-IM and it's finally sinking in just how hard the past 6 months have been. The fatigue of so many months of training is obviously deeply ingrained. I know my body is enjoying the time off, but it has a weird way of thanking me. 3 weeks out from a cold, and I'm still coughing up some decent loogies, and I seem to get sore from the most benign things too. I'm not rushing back into anything though, since my body usually let's me know when it's ready to rock.

This past weekend we went on a leisurely hike up to the backside of Mt. Tam. It was a decent 4-5 mile hike, but felt pretty good. Afterwards I'm feeling pretty sore. Calves and hammy are a bit stiff. Other than that I suppose I'm feeling back to normal.

Lake Bon Tempe, with Mt. Tam in the background

1 comment:

IronmanUSA2007 said...

Still wearing the IMLP Wristband. Classic.