Friday, June 13, 2008


Last week was my first Master's swim in about 3 years. Master's is a bunch of adults that do a coached workout in the pool. Up to now I've felt too slow to join, but at the mileage's an IM-trainee needs to swim it's awfully boring alone, so last week I joined the Tam Masters team. It was a bit disappointing in that they just followed a workout on a whiteboard, rather than having a coach dictate the workout. I'm thinking of trying a couple other groups in the coming weeks.

Another first: riding in 100+ degree heat. I headed down to LA-LA land this past weekend to get in some "time in the saddle" with Dan, and Ryan. Unfortunately it ended up being the hottest weekend ever. 95+ at the coast, where we rode up the Pacific Coast Highway, and easily much hotter than that when we turned up into Latigo Canyon to do a 10 mile climb. It's fair to say that I was well-done after that climb, and suffered pretty bad the remainder of the ride. Luckily I drafted off of them the remainder of the ride, and still got in 95 miles. Shout out to those guys for putting up with my slow butt.

Sunday was my first ocean swim in some time. Feeling pretty tired from the day before there was alot of floating, but we got about 45 minutes of swimming in. I also realize I need to work on my sighting, since I struggled trying to swim in a straight line. Regardless it was good weekend, and great hanging out with the SoCal homeboys.

26 days to Ironman...woo!

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